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HSE in Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)

RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is one of the largest open electronic databases of research articles on Economics. The database currently contains 1.5 million publications from 84
countries. RePEc monthly updates the rankings of authors and research centres. The main indicators for ratings are the number of views and downloads and citation index.

HSE among economic centres in Russia indexed in RePEc:

      January 4, 2014  2 place
      February 4, 2014  2 place
      March 4, 2014  2 place
      April 4, 2014  2 place
      May 4, 2014  2 place
  June 4, 2014  1 place
      July 4, 2014 – 1 place


HSE among economic centres in Europe indexed in RePEc:

      January 4, 2014  157 place
      February 4, 2014  158 place
  March 4,  2014  146 place
  April  4,  2014  144 place
  May  4,  2014  105 place
  June  4,  2014 – 65 place
  July  4,  2014 – 59 place


HSE among economic centres in the world indexed in RePEc:

      May   4,   2014 – 259 place
  June   4,   2014  180 place
  July   4,   2014 – 157 place

Top Russian authors, whose works are indexed in RePEc

HSE working paper download dynamics in RePEc

Top 25 HSE Working Papers by File Downloads in RePEc

 rank improvement (compared to the previous month)


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