Препринты Программы фундаментальных исcледований
![]() Psychology |
WP BRP Series: Psychology / PSY Series Managing Editor: Ерицян Ксения Юрьевна |
Maria A. Maricheva, Vadim A. Petrovsky "The Value Of Choice And Non-Choice As A Psychological Characteristic Of Money", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 139/PSY/2024
Опубликован 02.02.2024
Andrey Y. Timashkov, Ilya N. Abrosimov, Vladimir M. Yaltonsky "Illness perception and self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 138/PSY/2023
Опубликован 29.12.2023
Опубликован 29.09.2023
Опубликован 29.09.2023
Опубликован 10.05.2023
Опубликован 23.11.2022
Anastasia A. Anufrieva, Elena S. Gorbunova "Cognitive Functions In The Digital Environment: Working Memory And Attention Under Real And Digital Conditions", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 129/PSY/2021
Опубликован 30.11.2021
Timofei A. Berezner, Elena S. Gorbunova "The Presence Of Images Does Not Moderate The Disfluency Effect", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 127/PSY/2021
Опубликован 10.11.2021
Milena M. Grishutina, Vasily Yu. Kostenko "Variety Of Possible Selves: The Role Of Agency And Empirical Evidence Review", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 126/PSY/2021
Опубликован 07.10.2021
Опубликован 26.08.2021
Abdul-Raheem Mohammed, Vladimir Kosonogov, Dmitry Lyusin "Are Emotion Regulation Strategies Impacted By Executive Functions? An Experimental Study", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 124/PSY/2021
Опубликован 05.07.2021
Vadim A. Petrovsky "Patterns Of Readiness For Adaptive Action", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 123/PSY/2021
Опубликован 16.02.2021
Ksenia Gorbatova, Grigoriy Anufriev, Elena Gorbunova "The Perceptual Load Effect On Target Detection In Banner Blindness", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 122/PSY/2020
Опубликован 11.12.2020
Опубликован 08.10.2020
Olga Rubtsova, Elena Gorbunova "The Effect Of Categorical Superiority In Subsequent Search Misses", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 119/PSY/2020
Опубликован 08.10.2020
Опубликован 07.07.2020
Опубликован 17.06.2020
Опубликован 20.05.2020
Опубликован 20.05.2020
Опубликован 15.01.2020
Vera A. Fedotova "Hardiness Of Different Generations Of Russian People", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 112/PSY/2019
Опубликован 28.11.2019
Elena R. Agadullina, Olga A. Gulevich, Maria A. Terskova "Primary And Secondary Emotions As An Instrument To Measure Implicit Prejudice", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 110/PSY/2019
Опубликован 28.11.2019
Tadamasa Sawada "A Computational Model That Recovers Depth From Stereo-Input Without Using Any Oculomotor Information", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 106/PSY/2019
Опубликован 18.03.2019
Irina S. Prusova, Olga A. Gulevich "The Effect Of Mortality Salience On Attitudes Toward National Outgroups", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 105/PSY/2019
Опубликован 20.02.2019
Yulia V. Kuzmina Diana N. Kaiky Alina E. Ivanova "The Effect Of Phonological Ability On Math Is Modulated By Socioeconomic Status In Elementary School", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 104/PSY/2018
Опубликован 29.12.2018
Lilit G. Dulyan, Igor S. Utochkin "The Effect Of Attentional Load On Crowding", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 102/PSY/2018
Опубликован 27.11.2018
Ivan I. Ivanchei, Alexey Asvarisch "The Nature Of Affect In The Structural Mere Exposure Effect", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 99/PSY/2018
Опубликован 31.10.2018
Ekaterina Maklasova, Alexander Tatarko "Relationship Between Personality Meta-Traits And Negotiation Styles", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 98/PSY/2018
Опубликован 18.10.2018
Ekaterina Kodja, Nadezhda Lebedeva "The Role Of Multiple Identities And Acculturation Strategies In Psychological Well-Being Of Crimean Tatars", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 97/PSY/2018
Опубликован 18.10.2018
Anna S. Gracheva, Ekaterina O. Ivanina, Yuri A. Markov, Elena S. Gorbunova, "Search For Familiar And Dangerous: Not Seeing Gopnik In The Crowd", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 96/PSY/2018
Maria Terskova, Elena Agadullina "Perceived Intelligence And Long-Term Stigmatization Of Dirty Workers", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 95/PSY/2018
Опубликован 18.10.2018
Опубликован 10.10.2018

Опубликован 27.08.2018

Опубликован 07.06.2018
Dmitry Lyusin "A Three-Dimensional Model of the Affect Structure Based on Russian Data", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 89/PSY/2018
Опубликован 04.04.2018

Опубликован 26.01.2018

Опубликован 31.12.2017
Опубликован 01.12.2017

Опубликован 22.11.2017

Опубликован 16.11.2017

Опубликован 15.11.2017

Опубликован 10.11.2017

Опубликован 19.10.2017
Опубликован 10.10.2017

Опубликован 06.10.2017
Igor S. Utochkin, Vladislav A. Khvostov, Yulia M. Stakina "Ensemble-Based Segmentation in the Perception of Multiple Feature Conjunctions", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 78/PSY/2017
Опубликован 27.09.2017
Опубликован в виде статьи
Опубликован 30.08.2017

Опубликован 25.05.2017

Опубликован 09.02.2017
Alexander Tatarko, Anna Mironova, "Electoral Choices and Basic Values of Russians", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 72/PSY/2017
Опубликован 09.02.2017
Alexandra A. Bochaver, Anna N. Korzun, Katerina N. Polivanova, "Kids, Streets, and Activities", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 71/PSY/2016
Опубликован 30.12.2016
Boris V. Chernyshev, Vladimir A. Medvedev, "Event-Related Potential Study of P2 and N2 Components on Fast and Slow Responses in the Auditory Condensation Task", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 70/PSY/2016 (PDF, 770 Кб)
Опубликован 27.12.2016
Elena B. Starovoytenko, Angela A. Derbeneva, "The “Conversation Partner” Phenomenon in the Dialogical I-Other Relationship", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 69/PSY/2016 (PDF, 445 Кб)
Опубликован 13.12.2016
Dmitrii Dubrov, Alexander Tatarko, "Intergenerational Transmission of Values in Urban and Rural Area (the Case of Russia)", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 68/PSY/2016 (PDF, 414 Кб)
Опубликован 13.12.2016
Elena Krugliakova, Alexey Gorin, Anna Shestakova, Tommaso Fedele, Aleksandra Kuznetsova, Vasily Klucharev "Asymmetric Modulation of Frn by the Probability and Value of Outcomes in Auditory Mid Task", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 67/PSY/2016 (PDF, 897 Кб)
Опубликован 13.12.2016
Ekaterina A. Orel, Alena A. Kulikova, "Children with Behavioral Problems in the First Grade of Russian School: Similarities and Differences", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 66/PSY/2016 (PDF, 614 Кб)
Опубликован 06.12.2016
Raisa Akifyeva, Alisa Alieva, "The Influence of Ethnicity on Teacher Expectations and Teacher Perceptions of Student Warmth and Competence", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 65/PSY/2016 (PDF, 637 Кб)
Опубликован 28.11.2016
Dmitry D. Suchkov, "The Self-Concordance Model: The Effects of Autonomy, Effort and Goal Progress on Subjective Well-Being in the Us and Russia", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 64/PSY/2016 (PDF, 483 Кб)
Опубликован 25.11.2016
Oksana O. Zinchenko, Elena V. Enikolopova, "The Impact of Executive Functions and Emotional Intelligence on Iowa Gambling Task Performance: Focus on Right Frontal Lobe Damage", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 63/PSY/2016 (PDF, 757 Кб)
Опубликован 22.11.2016
Опубликован 06.10.2016
Опубликован 07.06.2016
Опубликован 14.04.2016
Maksim Rudnev, Alexandra Savelkaeva, "Public Support for the Right to Euthanasia: The Competing Roles of Values and Religiosity Across 35 Nations", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 59/PSY/2016 (PDF, 753 Кб)
Опубликован 01.04.2016
Dmitry Grigoryev, "Acculturation Profiles of Immigrants and Their Level of Socio-Economic Adaptation", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 58/PSY/2016

Опубликован 29.01.2016
Brun Irina, Ivanova Alina, Kardanova Elena, Orel Ekaterina, "Noncognitive Development of First Graders and Their Cognitive Performance", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 57/PSY/2016 Download PDF
Опубликован 26.01.2016
Nikita A. Novikov, Dmitri V. Bryzgalov, Anna A. Lapina, Boris V. Chernyshev, "Condensation Task as an Experimental Model for Studying Individual Differences in Cognitive Control", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 56/PSY/2015 Download PDF
Опубликован 22.12.2015
Elena Krugliakova, Alexey Gorin, Anna Shestakova, Vasily Klucharev, "Short-Term Plasticity in Auditory Cortical Circuit Evoked by Monetary Incentive Delay Task", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 55/PSY/2015 Download PDF
Опубликован 22.12.2015
Zarina Lepshokova, Victoria Galyapina, Nadezhda Lebedeva, "The Role of Religious Identity and Perceived Psychological Closeness in Parent-Child Value Similarity: Comparison of Religious Minority and Majority", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 54/PSY/2015 Download PDF
Опубликован 22.12.2015
Vasily Kostenko, "What Kind of Self-Awareness Follows Growth: Facets of Reflection at Different Levels of Ego Development", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 53/PSY/2015

Опубликован 08.12.2015
Alexey Ulanovsky, "Workplace Coaching as an Organizational Intervention: Metaphors, Dynamics and Employee Experiences", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 51/PSY/2015
Marco Colosio, Anna Shestakova, Vadim Nikulin, Anna Shpektor, Vasily Klucharev, "Neural Mechanisms of the Postdecisional Spreading-of-Alternatives Effect: Eeg Study", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 50/PSY/2015
Olga V. Poluektova, Maria V. Efremova, Seger M. Breugelmans, "Poverty and Psychology", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 49/PSY/2015
Kennon M. Sheldon, Evgeny N. Osin, Tamara O. Gordeeva, Dmitry D. Suchkov, Vlaidslav V. Bobrov, Elena I. Rasskazova, Oleg A. Sychev, "Evaluating the Dimensionality of the Relative Autonomy Continuum in Us and Russian Samples", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 48/PSY/2015
Tatiana Ryabichenko,Nadezhda Lebedeva, "Motivation for Ethno-Cultural Continuity as a Predictor of Acculturation and Adaptation in Two Generations of Latvian Russians", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 47/PSY/2015
Maria Efremova, Zarina Lepshokova, "Strength and Positivity of Religious Identification as Predictors of the Attitude Toward Economic Involvement Among Orthodox Christians and Sunni Muslims in Russia", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 46/PSY/2015
Dmitry Leontiev, Anna Fam, Evgeny Osin, Elena Ovchinnikova, "The Subjective Quality of Choice Technique: Qualitative Dimensions of Choice as a Self-Orientation Activity", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 45/PSY/2015

Опубликован 02.11.2015
Vera A. Fedotova, "Cultural Values as Predictors of Positive or Negative Attitude Towards Innovation Among Representatives of Various Generations of Russian People", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 44/PSY/2015
Victoria Galyapina, Nadezhda Lebedeva, "The Relationship between Social Identities and Acculturation Strategies of the Ethnic Minority and Majority in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania: An Intergenerational Analysis", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 43/PSY/2015

Опубликован 21.10.2015
Anna Mironova, "Trust as a Factor of Subjective Life Satisfaction", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 42/PSY/2015
Sergey Yagolkovskiy, Anatoliy V. Kharkhurin, "The Roles of Novelty and the Organization of Stimulus Material in Divergent Thinking", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 41/PSY/2015

Опубликован 14.10.2015
Vladimir F. Spiridonov, Emilia V. Ezrina, "The Interaction of Several Languages in the Cognitive System", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 40/PSY/2015
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Опубликован 23.06.2015
Dmitry Lyusin, "The ANT in a Russian sample: Testing the independence of attention networks", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 39/PSY/2015 Download PDF
Опубликован 15.06.2015
Alexey A. Kotov, Tatyana N. Kotova, Elizaveta V. Vlasova, "Preschoolers’ Inductive Selectivity as a Function of Implicit and Conceptual Learning", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 38/PSY/2015 Download PDF
Опубликован 06.05.2015
Dmitry S. Grigoryev, "Ethnic and Religious Identification, Acculturation Attitudes and the Socio-Economic Adaptation of Immigrants", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 37/PSY/2015
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Опубликован 30.04.2015
Ponomareva A., Kardanova E., Hannula M. S., Pipere A, Lepik M., “Measurement of Cross-Cultural Differences in Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs in Russia, Latvia and Estonia”, Series: Psychology, WP BRP 36/PSY/2015 Download PDF
Опубликован 03.04.2015
Alexey A. Kotov, Liana B. Agrba, Elizaveta V. Vlasova, Tatyana N. Kotova, "The Role of Labels in Learning Statistically Dense and Statistically Sparse Categories", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 35/PSY/2015
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Опубликован 19.03.2015
Nadezhda M. Lebedeva, Ekaterina A. Bushina, “The Impact of Values, Gender and Education on Creative Behaviour in Different Domains in Russian Regions”, Series: Psychology, WP BRP 34/PSY/2015
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Опубликован 12.03.2015
Evgeny N. Osin, Anna V. Malyutina, Natalia V. Kosheleva, “Self-Transcendence Facilitates Meaning-Making and Flow Experience: Evidence from a Pilot Experimental Study”, Series: Psychology, WP BRP 33/PSY/2015
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Опубликован 11.03.2015
Ekaterina I. Lytkina, “Anomie And Alienation In The Post-Communist Area: A Reapplication Of The Middleton Scale In Russia And Kazakhstan”, Series: Psychology, WP BRP 32/PSY/2015
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Опубликован 20.02.2015
Dmitry Leontiev, Elena Rasskazova, “What Makes People Happy: Well-Being And Sources Of Happiness In Russian Students”, Series: Psychology, WP BRP 31/PSY/2014
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Опубликован 31.12.2014
Andrey V. Lovakov, “Antecedents And Consequences Of Organizational Commitment Among Russian University Teachers”, Series: Psychology, WP BRP 30/PSY/2014 Download PDF
Опубликован 31.12.2014
Elena Stankovskaya, “Embodiment: Thoughts From An Existential-Analytical Perspective”, Series: Psychology, WP BRP 29/PSY/2014
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Опубликован 31.12.2014
Ivan E. Lazarev, Darya V. Molchanova, Nikita A. Novikov, Anastasia S. Antonenko, Elena A. Arkhipova, Galiya R. Khusyainova, Boris V. Chernyshev, “Prestimulus Alpha Oscialltions As An Index Of Increased Cognitive Control Under The Auditory Condensation Task”, Series: Psychology, WP BRP 28/PSY/2014 Download PDF
Опубликован 23.12.2014
Nikita A. Novikov, Dmitri V. Bryzgalov, Boris V. Chernyshev, “Prestimulus Frontal Midline Theta Reflects Increased Cognitive Control During Spontaneous Lapses Of Attention”, Series: Psychology, WP BRP 27/PSY/2014
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Опубликован 23.12.2014
Alyona A. Khaptsova, Shalom H. Schwartz, “How Robust Is The Association Of Life Satisfaction With Value Congruence? A Study Of Constructed Socio-Demographic Groups In A Russian National Sample”, Series: Psychology, WP BRP 26/PSY/2014
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Опубликован 18.12.2014
Elena M. Ukolova, Vladimir B. Shumskiy, “A Test Of Existential Motivations In Interpersonal Relationships”, Series: Psychology, WP BRP 25/PSY/2014
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Опубликован 15.12.2014
Yulia Tyumeneva, Julia Kuzmina, Elena Kardanova, “IRT Analysis And Validation Of The Grit Scale: A Russian Investigation”, Series: Psychology, WP BRP 24/PSY/2014
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Опубликован 18.11.2014
Sergey V. Chuvashov, “Socio-Psychological Capital, Values And Emigration Intentions Of Russian Youth”, Series: Psychology, WP BRP 23/PSY/2014
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Опубликован 14.11.2014
Alexander N. Tatarko, “Trust, Cooperative Behavior And Economic Success: When Trust Is The Capital Of The Person?”, Series: Psychology, WP BRP 22/PSY/2014
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Опубликован 10.11.2014
Peter Schmidt, Nadezhda N. Lebedeva, “Values, Efficacy And Trust As Determinants Of Innovative Organizational Behaviour In Russia”, Series: Psychology, WP BRP 21/PSY/2014 Download PDF
Опубликован 09.09.2014
Olga A. Gulevich, “Social Beliefs And Learning Motivation: Role Of Organizational Justice”, Series: Psychology, WP BRP 20/PSY/2014 Download PDF
Опубликован 04.08.2014
Dmitriy Podolskiy, "Measuring Adolescent Individual Values With Rating And Constant-Sum Scales", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 19/PSY/2014
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Опубликован 03.06.2014
Andrey Lovakov, Elena Agadullina, “A Hierarchical (Multicomponent) Model Of In-Group Identification: Examining In Russian Samples”, Series: Psychology, WP BRP 18/PSY/2014 Download PDF
Опубликован 20.05.2014
Olga N. Molchanova, Tatyana Y. Nekrasova, "Development of the Russian version of the Contingencies of Self-Worth scale", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 17/PSY/2014 Download PDF
Опубликован 17.03.2014
Dmitry Lyusin, Victoria Ovsyannikova, "A new videotest for measuring emotion recognition ability", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 16/PSY/2014 Download PDF
Опубликован 12.02.2014
Elena Starovoytenko, "A model of “achieving oneself” in Relationship to the other", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 15/PSY/2013 Download PDF
Опубликован 25.11.2013
Kolpachnikov V. V., "Client-centered and existential approaches: are they mostly similar or different?", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 14/PSY/2013 Download PDF
Опубликован 11.11.2013
Igor Utochkin "Conjunctions can guide attention through visual search", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 13/PSY/2013

Опубликован 06.08.2013
Peter Schmidt, Alexander Tatarko, Natalia Amerkhanova "Entrepreneurial intention, values, and the reasoned action approach: results from a Russian population survey", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 12/PSY/2013

Опубликован 04.07.2013
Sergey Yagolkovskiy "Cognitive stimulation of individual creativity in a group context: mediated and face-to-face idea sharing", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 11/PSY/2013

Опубликован 27.06.2013
John Nye, Ekaterina Orel, Ekaterina Kochergina "Big five personality traits and academic performance in Russian universities", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 10/PSY/2013

Опубликован 15.05.2013
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Опубликован 23.04.2013
Tatiana Butenko, Shalom Schwartz "Relations of the new circle of 19 values to behaviors", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 08/PSY/2013 Download PDF
Опубликован 02.03.2013
Elena Evina, Dzerassa Goyaeva, Platon Pronko, Boris Chernyshev "Exploratory MEG study of the illusory contour perception: positive and inverted effects", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 07/PSY/2013
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Опубликован 28.01.2013
Boris Chernyshev, Ivan Lazarev, Maksim Ivanov, Evgeniya Osokina, Alyona Vyazovtseva "Attentional Lapses under Decision-Making: an Event-Related Potential Study", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 06/PSY/2012
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Опубликован 28.12.2012
Alexander Porshnev, Hartmut Giest, Anna Sircova "Cross-Cultural Comparison of Russian and German Students' Learning Motivation Traits", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 05/PSY/2012
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Опубликован 19.12.2012
Tatiana Panyusheva, Maria Efremova "A validation study of a Russian version of the Schwartz Value Survey (SVS) using cognitive interviewing", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 04/PSY/2012
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Опубликован 06.12.2012
Alexander Tatarko "Are Individual Value Orientations Related to Socio-Psychological Capital? A Comparative Analysis Data from Three Ethnic Groups in Russia", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 03/PSY/2012
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Опубликован 29.06.2012
Igor Utochkin "Towards a Formal Theory of a Distractor in Attentional Tasks", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 02/PSY/2012
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Опубликован 25.06.2012
Boris Chernyshev, Ivan Lazarev, Elena Chernysheva, Evgeniya Osokina, Dina Ramendik "Event-related Potentials as Correlates of Attentional Resource Allocation in Dependence on Individual Differences", Series: Psychology, WP BRP 01/PSY/2012
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Опубликован 27.01.2012
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Oksana O. Zinchenko, Elena V. Enikolopova
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