Working papers by the Basic Research Program
![]() Urban and | WP BRP Series: Urban and Transportation Studies / URB Series Managing Editor: Dimitris Potoglou, Mikhail Y. Blinkin |
Yegor Yu. Muleev "Exploring Associations Between Parking Occupancy Rate At Residential Estates And Spatial Characteristics. The Case Of Ekaterinburg", Series: Urban and Transportation Studies, WP BRP 09/URB/2020
Yana Bagina "Coping with fears in everyday urban mobility", Series: Urban and Transportation Studies, WP BRP 08/URB/2019
Aleksandra Sazhina "Residents’ coproduction activities as the basis of urban development: the case of the Football World Cup in Volgograd", Series: Urban and Transportation Studies, WP BRP 07/URB/2018
Elena A. Gudova, «Slow! Children at Play»: Localization of Childhood in Moscow Playgrounds in Winter", Series: Urban and Transportation Studies, WP BRP 06/URB/2016 (PDF, 827 Кб)
N. Kosareva, T. Polidi, A. Puzanov,E. Trutnev, Ye. Igumenov "A Study on the Consistency between Housing and Urban Planning Policies", Series: Urban and Transportation Studies , WP BRP 03/URB/2016
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Sergey M. Plaksin, Alexander S. Kondrashov, Elizaveta V. Yastrebova, Ekaterina M. Reshetova, Nikita A. Krupenskiy, "The Pros and Cons of the Intelligent Transportation System Implementation at Toll Plazas in Russia", Series: Urban and Transportation Studies , WP BRP 02/URB/2015
Elena Koncheva, Nikolay Zalesskiy, Pavel Zuzin, "Optimization of Regional Public Transport System: The Case of Perm Krai", Series: Urban and Transportation Studies , WP BRP 01/URB/2015
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