Working papers by the Basic Research Program
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WP BRP Series: Public and Social Policy / PSP Series Managing Editor: Daria Popova, Jesse W. Campbell
Alexander Kalgin, Andrei Yakovlev "Factors Of Workplace Initiative Among Civil Servants In Subnational Government", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 30/PSP/2022
Olga N. Balaeva, Yuliya D. Rodionova, Andrei A. Yakovlev, Andrey V. Tkachenko "Public Procurement Efficiency As Perceived By Market Participants: The Case Of Russia", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 29/PSP/2021
Yuliya D. Rodionova "Conflict Resolution In Russian Public Procurement: Understanding Supplier Strategies In A State Dominated System", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 28/PSP/2020
Alexander S. Kalgin "Orthodox Christianity And Government Career Preference Among Russian Students: Does Public Service Motivation Mediate The Link?", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 27/PSP/2020
Jordan Gans-Morse, Alexander Kalgin, Andrei Klimenko, Dmitriy Vorobyev, Andrei Yakovlev "Public Service Motivation And Sectoral Employment In Russia: New Perspectives On The Attraction Vs. Socialization Debate", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 26/PSP/2020
Oxana Sinyavskaya, Anna Cherviakova, Elizaveta Gorvat "Does Job Change After Becoming A Pensioner Contribute To Maintaining Employment In Old Age?", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 25/PSP/2020
Vasiliy A. Anikin, Yulia P. Lezhnina, Svetlana V. Mareeva, Ekaterina D. Slobodenyuk "Who Seeks State Support In The New Russia And Why?", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 24/PSP/2019
Igor Sheiman "Maximum Waiting Times Guarantee In Russia: Does It Improve Access To Health Care?", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 23/PSP/2019
Victor Lyashok "The Effect Of Pension Growth On The Labor Force Participation Of Pensioners In Russia", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 22/PSP/2019
Marina G. Kolosnitsyna, Natalia A. Khorkina,Marina V. Lopatina "The Factors Of Physical Activities In Russian Youth: Evidence From Micro-Data", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 21/PSP/2018

Andrey Tkachenko, Daniil Esaulov "The Role Of Governors In Public Procurement", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 19/PSP/2018
Anna Mironova, Lidia Prokofieva "The Involvement Of Russian Households In Intergenerational Transfers 2008-14", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 18/PSP/2018
Andrey Klimenko, Alexander Kalgin "Strategic Planning in the Russian Federal Government: Implementation, Costs, and Conditions of Effectiveness", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 17/PSP/2018
Hanna O. Sakhno "Central Bank Communication in the Xxi Century: A Survey of Theory and Evidence", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 16/PSP/2018
Vladislav A. Plotnikov "The Emerging Civil Society-State Nexus in Putin’S Russia: A Case Study in Public Health", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 15/PSP/2018

Jordan Gans-Morse, Alexander S. Kalgin, Andrei V. Klimenko, Andrei A. Yakovlev "Motivations for Public Service in Corrupt States: Evidence from Post-Soviet Russia", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 13/PSP/2017
Alina Pishnyak, Aleksandra Goriainova, Elena Tochilina "The Determinants of the Development of the Russian Assistive Technologies Market in the Context of the Interaction of Various Groups of Agents", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 12/PSP/2017
Marina Kolosnitsyna, Natalia Khorkina, Anton Volkov "Alcohol Policies and Crime Rates in Russian Regions", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 11/PSP/2017
Alexander Larionov "Could the Bank of Russia Implement Strategic Indicators to Improve its Effectiveness?", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 10/PSP/2017
Sergey Shishkin, Aleksandr Temnitsky, "From Salary to the Performance-Based Remuneration of Russian Physicians: How Motivation at Work is Changing", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 08/PSP/2017

Tim Jaekel, "Modern Sports-for-All Policy: An International Comparison of Policy Goals and Models of Service Delivery", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 04/PSP/2017
Marina Kolosnitsyna, Anna Philippova, "Family Benefits and Poverty: The Case of Russia", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 03/PSP/2017
Vasiliy A. Anikin, Yulia P. Lezhnina, Svetlana V. Mareeva, Ekaterina D. Slobodenyuk, Nataliya N. Tikhonovа, "Income Stratification: Key Approaches and Their Application to Russia", Series: Public and Social Policy, WP BRP 02/PSP/2016 (PDF, 1.29 Мб)
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