The HSE ratings in the Social Science Research Network
A new page entitled “The Ratings of the National Research University of the Higher School of Economics in the Social Science Research Network” has been put up on the HSE’s website. In this section, the Higher School of Economics has presented information regarding the university’s and its authors’ positions in terms of the quantity of scientific work, how often these works are viewed and downloaded, citings and various other parameters.
From working papers to articles: new publications in international peer reviewed journals
We congratulate our colleagues whose papers, published in the form of working papers of the Basic Research Program, were accepted for publication by international peer reviewed journals.
Working paper as the first step towards publication in international peer reviewed journal
Some working papers of the Basic Research Program, which are posted in the series “Law”, have already been approved for publication by international peer reviewed journals.
HSE is in the SSRN’s Top 100
In recent times a steady tendency was shown in the Higher School of Economics’ improvement in the SSRN’s ratings.
HSE Working papers in SSRN
In the interest of developing the Basic Research Program, HSE has reached an agreement with the Social Science Research Network, one of the world’s largest electronic archives for scientific articles and working papers in key socio-economic fields.
New Working Paper Series: Psychology
The Basic Research Program has released “Psychology”, a new working paper series with Dmitry Lyusin and Evgeny Osin as editors. We are welcoming any article proposals for this series.